Paris, Jun 5th 2020

Open Pricer has successfully integrated DocuSign to its platform through API (application program interfaces). DocuSign integration aims at making contactless contracting possible, supporting progress towards full digitalization, which is a critical stake in the current context.

DocuSign enables signing agreements securely from virtually any device with significant time saving. “Up to 82% of agreements are completed in less than a day, and 49% in less than 15 minutes.” according to DocuSign.

Now, Open Pricer users can build a quote, generate a commercial offer and close the agreement/contract through e-signature. This results in improved business performance: faster quote cycles, increased sales productivity and higher conversion rates.

DocuSign is accessible directly in the Open Pricer platform. It supports a wide array of document types. The e-signature is initiated with a personalised email sent directly from Open Pricer user interface. The process of each digital agreement is entirely followed through notifications to the sender upon each e-signature.

Once all the required e-signatures are collected, a copy of the signed document is automatically sent to all the parties. The user can also add colleagues to automate internal document workflows.

The process is entirely secured and data are protected with encryption and audit trail. DocuSign holds the highest level of global information security assurance, it is compliant with European Data Protection Authority, and PCI Data Security Standard for handling credit card data.

“DocuSign eSignature saves an average of $36 per agreement by reducing hard costs and improving employee productivity.” according to DocuSign.

In addition to saving time and costs, e-signature in the Open Pricer platform takes another step towards paperless and environment-friendly sales processes.

Contact us if you need more information about DocuSign Integration on Open Pricer’s platform.