Performance Dashboard provides your pricing team with easy and quick access to all relevant data required to make effective pricing decisions: historical transactions, customer information, quotes with their outcome, costs and capacity utilization and market data. All this data is loaded from internal or external sources and stored in a secured platform.

Foundation of the Open Pricer platform. It gathers, structures and makes available in real time all data to support pricing decisions.

Build your Pricing & Revenue Data Mart

Gather in a central database all data relevant for pricing and revenue management. Certify the compliance of the data with internal reporting and structure to ensure a quick access for decision support. The Data Mart will be the single source of truth (SSOT) for price and revenue analysis. This will increase the efficiency of your pricing teams and make communication easier between stakeholders.

Open Pricer Pricing Data Mart Get quick wins

Get quick wins

Performance Dashboard includes one-click analyses as weil as simulation and monitoring tools that will enable your team to identify margin improvement opportunities. This will generate a quick return on investment and will enable to invest in more advanced pricing modules. For example simulation of minor changes to the pricing structure show a typical impact of 0.5 additional points of EBIT.

Get quick wins

Performance Dashboard includes one-click analyses as weil as simulation and monitoring tools that will enable your team to identify margin improvement opportunities. This will generate a quick return on investment and will enable to invest in more advanced pricing modules. For example simulation of minor changes to the pricing structure show a typical impact of 0.5 additional points of EBIT.

Open Pricer Pricing Data Mart Get quick wins

Enrich your Data Mart

Many companies will start with a data mart limited to transaction, product and customer data. In a second step they will add quotes, costs and capacity data and then enrich the data mart with external data (competitive products and prices) and market events. Enriching the data mart will enable to implement more sophisticated and accurate pricing models.


Implementation and Integration


Implementation and Integration

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